While COVID-19 is still present in our community, our massage facility will operate with these changes to standard policies and procedures to protect staff and client safety.
No Walk-In Appointments: We do not accept walk-in appointments. Please call ahead to make an appointment.
Late Cancelations: We will wave the late cancelation policy for anyone who develops a fever or symptoms of illness. Please call to let us know you feel unwell and we will cancel your appointment without charging you a fee.
COVID Vaccine or Test Required: Because some of our clients are immunocompromised, we take the possibility of inadvertent transmission very seriously. For this reason, we ask that every client either provide proof of full vaccination (including boosters, and the two week waiting period after the last injection) or have a negative PCR COVID test no more than 36 hours prior to their session (preferably 24), and be able to confirm a negative result. If you cannot get a PCR test result, you may provide proof of a negative Rapid Antigen test taken no more than one hour prior to your session. If you are unable to get your test results in a timely fashion, we may have to reschedule your session. Your therapist has been fully vaccinated and boosted, and gets regular PCR tests.
If you have traveled recently, or have entertained out of town guests, or attended a large public event, I ask that you wait at least four days after such activity, and obtain a negative PCR test prior to your next session.
Pre-Session Screening: Please expect an email inviting you to update your intake form with a health screening -48 hours before your massage appointment - please reply to this email with your answers. It will ask: Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days or has a health professional asked you to self-isolate in the last 14 days? Have you been in close contact with someone experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms or have you cared for someone testing positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days? Have you been tested for COVID-19 in the last 14 days and if yes, what was the result? It will also ask about your masking behaviors.
Arrival Procedure: When you arrive at our facility we will follow a strict protocol to ensure your safety and ours: Please call or text to let us know that you're here, and then wait in your car. We will send you a text message or call you when we are ready for you. We will handle the preliminary conversation via phone (or text) to reduce the amount of time that we are talking in the enclosed space of the treatment room, sometimes inviting you to scan your body to see what areas need most attention. If you don't have a proper face mask, please let me know during our intake phone call and I will provide one at the door.
Please leave as many of your belongings in your car as possible, and be sure to put on your mask before you reach the door. When you come in, I will greet you at the door and take your temperature with a no-touch thermometer, and invite you to take off your shoes before I lead you back to the treatment room.
You will have the opportunity to clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Masks Required: Masks are required at all times. We have adapted the face cradle to create a protective barrier that means that you need not have the mask fully on when you are face down with your face in the cradle during your massage, but you must replace your mask and wear it at all times when your face is not protected by the face cradle. Your therapist will also be masked at all times, and for mouth-work, will also be wearing a face shield.